January 2012
The Trolleyville Times wishes all readers the absolute best in 2012!

Southern California Traction Club's 96th Public Display!

On December 10-11, the Southern California Traction Club appeared at Pomona-Fairplex. Now in their seventeenth year, this was their 12th display at that location.

Bill Grove, owner of the Great Train Expo, provided a Christmas present for most of the vendors, new tables for use in their displays. Many times the condition of the tables provided at model train shows for the sellers/vendors range from almost horrible to barely acceptable. Some of them are so decrepit that fastening a display to them is virtually impossible. It is very common for the vendors who arrive early to snatch the good tables so those who arrive late get the really bad ones. This show had all great tables, most of them new, and it made set up and tear-down much easier for the vendors.

As usual there were some unusual traction items available at this show. First, Holland Traction Supply had some of their fine hand-painted O scale and HO scale Pacific Electric traction models.

Some of these fine models may still be available so contact Holland Traction Supply at 909-783-1235 if you are interested. They, along with Custom Traxx and the Southern California Traction Club, will be at the Anaheim Great Train Expo, at the Anaheim Convention Center on January 7-8, 2012.

Naturally, the usual great food from R's & R's concession stand was available right outside the front door of the show. We reported on this great source of food and drink in both our August 2010 and August 2011 issues.

Come visit both the show and R's & R's in the summer of 2012.

Bob Dietrich's Railroad Model Craftsman Article!

The January 2012 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman contains a wonderful article authored by Bob Dietrich, a former President of the East Penn Traction Club (EPTC), in which Bob described the methods that he used to convert an HO scale LaBelle Sacramento Northern kit into a Pittsburgh Interurban. Bob's leadership in the many times that he has performed as President of the EPTC is well known but his modeling skills have not been showcased as done in this article. The ability to correctly form of the roof ends of a railroad roof interurban from the wood shape provided is a skill that has eluded many people including the writer of this article. So the Times wishes to show you some of the photos of the PRC 3614 not included in the Model Railroader article.

While the article speaks for itself, the building in the above photo identified as South Hills Junction was also scratch-built by Bob.

A few more views of the car:

All photos were taken on Bob's now well-known South Hills Junction module normally available for view at most East Penn Traction Club module meets.

We do not expect that the readers of Railroad Model Craftsman may discover the fun of traction modeling, but we can hope for a few, can't we?


Boston PCC Model Progress!


After looking at all the inputs from modelers and studying numerous photos, the almost final Boston Air-Electric MU PCC is being readied for production. The car will use a modified Bowser 1283 All-Electric PCC floor adjusted for the different front and rear end shapes of the standard air-electric PCC car.

It is intended that a modified Bowser 1283 floor will form the basis for the pewter floor that will be provided with this car. Of course the car will be Bowser powered, and if all arrangements can be made, the B-2 sideframes and super resilient wheels now provided exclusively with the Bowser R-T-R PCC cars will also be provided.

The Custom Traxx/Miniatures by Eric team has taken as much time as needed to ensure that this is the best version of the Boston air-electric PCC possible and this is the main reason for the delays. The Times got a peek at the newest shells being evaluated:

For more information on the progress of this Boston PCC Car along with some more photographs, click here. A little tweaking may be all that is needed before these cars will be available to you modelers. Final comments and questions are encouraged and welcome up to January 15, 2012...OK?


Show us your models!
Show us your layouts!
Show us your modules! (Please!)

For years, Model Railroader has been publishing Trackside Photos of model railroaders efforts. These photos not only demonstrated how many people are in modeling but also how good they are. They have done much to promote the model railroading hobby. These are always among many valid inputs into the decision for a manufacturer to make any specific product.

Let's do the same thing in traction here in the Trolleyville Times. Although many traction modelers know of the East Penn Traction Club, the Southern California Traction Club, the San Diego Model Railroad Museum and groups in Milwaukee and Detroit, there are many, many more of you out there with really great models, modules and layouts. Send us the photos and a little about yourselves and we will show theme here. This will not only promote your skills but it just might entice more manufacturing like we have recently seen from Bachmann, Bowser and Con-Cor.

A now defunct traction publication used to state, "...Knowledge is of no value unless shared with others...". We belief modeling is of no value unless seen by others! So please jump in, its free!

The Mission and Purpose of Trolleyville!

Trolleyville Editorial!


In the last few years, Trolleyville has been asked many times about our purpose and reason for existence. We always try to answer this question considering the time that it is asked because both the purpose and mission continue to change as the hobby changes.

So we should mention first what Trolleyville is not. Trolleyville is not now a commercial operation nor is it intended to be in the future. That is the main reason that we will not be selling advertising space. Once you do this, you are limited in what you can say. Do you think that a magazine could tell the complete story (warts and all) about a product whose manufacturer has just spent money for advertising space in that very same magazine?

Secondly, we will not be a mouthpiece for any particular political position in the hobby. We take no official position on the viability of hobby shops, or the existence of discount houses or garage operators. We will promote things that we determine to be good for the hobby, and we will point out issues we consider to be detrimental. Those determinations will be based solely on their impact on the hobby and its enthusiasts as a whole.

Those readers who take the time to peruse the lessons in the Trolleyville Schoolhouse or review the many hints, how-tos and news items that have been published in the 145 issues of the Trolleyville Times published since 1998, will realize that Trolleyville has done its part to promote the hobby, the people who participate in it and the bone fide suppliers who add to the enjoyment of the hobby with great products and great customer service. Readers should also be aware that the Trolleyville staff provided "tons" of data to Bowser for their F-line and traditional PCC cars. They also provided photos and data to Con-Cor for their PCC and did provide information to Bachmann for their trolleys, all at no charge to the supplier although considerable resources went into the gathering of the data.

Another thing we have always done, and will continue to do is to offer factual reviews of products and services offered within the traction modeling community. We will always tell you about products that either we or our associates have used. We will tell you who has good products and good customer service; we will tell you who have no-so-good products and/or bad customer service. In doing this, we will subject ourselves to criticism.

Sometime last summer, one of our harsher critics stated that "...we're also aware of the demonstrably negative tone it (the Trolleyville Times) has taken towards anyone with whom it is displeased...". The Trolleyville Times mission could not have been stated better. Our purpose is to tell traction modelers the good, bad and the ugly in the traction hobby. We currently seem to be the only regularly scheduled publication devoted entirely to electric railroads and model electric railways. So among other things, we definitely will take a "demonstrably negative tone" with those who have products with flaws, who do not graciously accept legitimate criticisms, who employ misleading or false advertising, who generally conduct business practices not in consonance with the rest of the hobby and in some cases are guilty of worse behavior. We are more than "displeased" with those people/products and will continue to be.

Fortunately, negative comments have only been required in rare cases. The overwhelming majority of our experiences with suppliers and manufacturers have been positive to excellent. In this economy, we feel that it is our duty to tell you what we experience both good and bad. There is a lot of good out there and we continuously report on those bona fide traction suppliers and products with which we have become familiar and in some cases have partnered with the best of them. But we will never shrink from identifying the outlaws. The same critic also went on to say in a statement reminiscent of Richard M. Nixon, "...It is no fun being the target of such a campaign, nor does it help any of those involved, the business, or the hobby as a whole. It should be stopped if the owners want the traction community to consider Trolleyville a serious source of traction information. If you say you are there to promote the hobby, then promote the hobby and nothing else...." The Trolleyville Times considers such silence to be both irresponsible and a disservice to the traction modeling community. Products and services which can accept constructive criticism tend to improve; and those which cannot tend to have a negative impact on the ability of modelers to enjoy the hobby. We feel that both promoting the good and identifying the bad only improves the hobby as a whole. .

This is where you can come in. Trolleyville is similar to those little jars of pennies that you see next to the cash register in some businesses. there is usually a sign that says something like "...Need a penny, take one, have an extra give one...." If you give an idea to the Times, you will certainly get at least one in return. This magazine depends on the ideas and inputs from good modelers and professional suppliers. Many modelers provided solid inputs during the development of the Bowser HO scale Ready-To-Run PCC first introduced in 2009. They all know who they are and they can be proud in their contributions to a fine product. Work with us and we will work with you! We depend on your inputs, opinions and ideas!

One last point! During October 2011, Trolleyville had it's 300,000th visitor so a lot of you read the site and agree with our objectives as our number of readers have been growing by 10% each year. Many of you have seen suggestions and inputs proffered on yahoo and other chat groups, only to have the suggestion or input either ridiculed or ignite a war of words so intense and insane that the original point was totally lost. That will NOT happen to your input in The Trolleyville Times. Help us promote our great hobby which in the long run only helps you!

Comments to this editorial are encouraged!


Christmas Season Trolley Trip!


The Wilmington Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society promotes rail and trolley trips in the Philadelphia area. They normally plan a trip on Super Bowl Saturday and another during the Christmas season. The latter trip is at night to view the Christmas lights on display along the five West Philadelphia streetcar lines.

The Christmas Lights Special 2011 was held on December 10, 2011. Trolley fans rode through the streets of Philadelphia in one of the 18 PCC-II streetcars decorated for the holidays. They made several photo stops to capture the spirit of the holidays. All you have to do is bring your tripod and cable release and they provided the flash! The trip began at 5:00 P.M. at the Callowhill Depot and returned about 9:00 P.M. Night photos were available at Callowhill Depot at the conclusion of the trip. Fare was $40.00. Capacity was limited to 25 people to ensure control at photo stops.

Some photos taken during recent Christmas trips are shown below:

The next Super Saturday Streetcar Special XIX will be held on February 4, 2012. This is a Wilmington Chapter tradition as it presents a truly unique trip. There will be two 1981 Kawasaki cars running in multiple-unit configuration coupled together as a train, with car 9000, the very first K-car, leading car 9111, which was the last in the series. The trip will depart Elmwood Depot at 10:00 AM and head for the Center City Tunnel, then go up to Girard Avenue for now rare K-car operations on the Route 15 line. If it's available, we'll use the new Frankford Avenue cutback loop adjacent to the Sugar House Casino. Many photo stops will be held en route. Fare is $45. Note that even though two cars will be used, capacity will be limited to 45 people to ensure quality photo stops.

The above photo was taken during a previous fan trip with K-cars in MU operation. If you wish to order any tickets via mail, make checks payable to Wilmington Chapter NRHS and send to Wilmington Chapter NRHS, c/o Steve Barry, 117 High Street, Newton, NJ 07860. Please include an e-mail address for your confirmation. Confirmations are sent out approximately two weeks before a trip. This year the Christmas trip was held on Saturday, December 10th using PCCII car 2322. One of the fine photos taken is provided for your enjoyment. If you wish to order any tickets via mail, make checks payable to Wilmington Chapter NRHS and send to Wilmington Chapter NRHS, c/o Steve Barry, 117 High Street, Newton, NJ 07860. Please include an e-mail address for your confirmation. Confirmations are sent out approximately two weeks before a trip.


Coming Next Issue!

The first sound-equipped Bowser PCC cars reviewed!


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